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Andrew, Simon A. & Hossein Najmi (2015). “Interorganizational Collaboration and Sources of Social Capital.” Pg. 85 – 103. In Blanchard, Carrie B. & Sergio Sosa Gonzáles [Eds.]. Social Capital and Collaborative Governance: Perspectives from Mexico and the United States. BUAP University, Plaza y Valdez Spain Press.


  1. Presentation Practice and Production Method in teaching Quant-Based Courses.  POMS, Houston, TX.

  2. Analysis of Supply Chain Performance Metrics. POMS, Houston, TX.


  1. The influence of loosely coupled system on the performance of service firms. Decision Science Institute, Washington D.C.

  2. Airline Cargo Business Efficiency Measurement using DEA-PCA.INFORMS, Houston, TX.

  3. Evaluating Detection Change is a Multivariate Poisson Process. INFORMS, Houston, TX.

  4. The Role of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Widening the Practice of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Decision Science Institute, Austin, TX.


  1. The impact of technology overlap over job satisfaction.Southern Management Association ,Charlotte, NC. 

  2. Role of Supply Chain Integration in Post-Merger Performance. Decision Science Institute, Austin, TX. 

  3. The Role of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Widening the Practice of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Decision Science Institute, Austin, TX.


Journal Publications​
Conference Presentions 

At the broadest level, my research stream is grounded in the supply chain networks.

I am working on illicit drug supply chain in the South-west United States. To this end, in my dissertation, I have focused primarily on how a network structure of illegal drug supply chain is shaped in small towns and what are the possible improvements to the drug control practice in a small town? This idea was derived from the interviews I had with Narcotic officers of city Police Departments and Drug Enforcement Agency.  


My other interest is supply chain finance. Specifically, I am interested in analyzing the possible metrics on evaluating current financial metrics of supply chain performance, their shortcomings, and potential improvements or defining new parameters.


My third interest is sustainability and supply chain. I am mainly interested in knowing the factors that are influencing companies in developing sustainable procedures and products when there is no government incentive.

Research Interests


Philip,J., Najmi,H., Ordezevoa.L., Struckell,B. (2016). The impact of technology overlap over job satisfaction. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability. 

Book Chapters
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